Making exercise does not relieve aches suffered by women during the menstrual cycle

The researchers said exercise does not relieve aches suffered by women during the menstrual cycle, despite the recommendations of many doctors exercise. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), according to a study published in the Journal of P Jay or G (BJOG) British International specializing in gynecology and obstetricsAnd included more than 650 college student that 28% of women suffer from symptoms ranging from mild to severe during the menstrual cycle.But researchers at Britain's University of Birmingham said they did not find a relationship between exercise carried out by women and decrease in the severity of pain because of the habit.Doctors usually advised women workout for the alleviation of menstrual pain, but If يفدن not ask them access to medicines to help.The researchers asked women aged between 18 and 25 years old to answer questions concerning the age, which began when habits and monthly periods Tatihn where the name of grain they use for that and whether they have children or suffer from diseases in the lining of the uterus and the like, and the nature of the sport that exercising and other questions related to their life style.She said 72% of women said they did not feel any pain during the menstrual cycle or only mild pain, while 28% of them said they felt pain between moderate and severe in the meantime.After taking into account factors such as weight and lifestyle and the use of oral contraceptives and ethnicity researchers found no relationship between exercise regardless of their nature or her time and menstrual pain.The researcher Amanda Daly, who participated in the study, said there is a need to conduct more research before recommending exercise women exercise ease Ojalln during menstruation, and noted that the conclusion of this study and other studies also do not support this view.And concluded that it is a general problem and there are many treated themselves for themselves, and there is some useful exercises, but the basic medicine for menstrual pain is the contraceptive pill.

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