Kids and Sports: Do's and Don'ts for Youth Sports Parents
Encouraging your kids to play sports is one of the best ways to help them develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. But some parents take that support too far by emphasizing winning rather than developing skills and having fun. The crazy sports parent isn't that uncommon. Here are some tips to make sure you don't become one of them.
The line between encouraging your child and pushing him beyond his abilities can be somewhat easy to cross. Youth sports parents occasionally need to be reminded of some basic "do's and don'ts" to help children become happy, healthy and confident young athletes.
Youth Sports Parent Do's:
  • Encourage your child to try and play any sport he or she enjoys. The biggest motivation for kids to play sports is having fun, and they often drop out because they are no longer finding the activity pleasurable.
  • Support your child's decision not to play a sport if he or she doesn't want to. Pushing a child into sports may lead to conflict, poor motivation and other problems at home.
  • Let your child make mistakes. Doing so is part of learning, and if kids are so afraid of messing up that they quit trying, they unknowingly stop improving.
  • Enjoy what you child does and can do. A parent who is interested and supportive, but not too serious or directive, will allow the child to set her own goals and be accountable for her achievements.
  • Encourage your child to set goals, and measure his progress. A child who plays sports often needs help defining appropriate and realistic goals that stretch him without becoming overwhelming. This is one of the best things a parent or coach can influence.

  • Remind your child of all the health benefits of playing sports, and encourage her to focus on positive health behaviors.
  • Encourage your child to compete against himself, and use competition as a way to improve his own abilities.
Sports Parents Don'ts:
  • Don't push your goals on your child. Many parents get into trouble by trying to seek out their own identity though their child's success. Remember that your child is a unique person with individual interests and goals, and allow him to define his own goals.
  • Don't look for excuses for losing a game. Many parents think they are helping by finding blame in the weather, equipment, or field. However, this attitude often backfires because kids fail to learn accountability for the outcome. These kids may never learn from their mistakes or try something new because they are quick to blame others for their short-comings.
  • Don't focus on winning -- focus on fully participating. Children who are expected to win are often too anxious to do their best during a game. Additionally, they may lose interest in sports and competition of any kind. Parents who choose not to focus on having fun, developing new skills and doing one's best encourage kids to become resistant and resentful, unsure of themselves and their abilities, and disinterested in trying again.
  • Don't criticize or yell instructions during the game. This only embarrasses your child and adds to the pressure she feels. If your child needs some simple feedback, provide it calmly and clearly in a positive way. Tell her one or two things to do, not a list of things not to do. Kids can only handle a little information at once, so be clear and calm.
Remember that playing sports as a child should be all about growing, developing, having a good time, and learning important social skills. Most kids want to play sports because they enjoy it. If the sport becomes pressure-filled or overly stressful, kids may lose interest or even develop serious coping issues that take a lot of the joy out of being a kid. Parents can help make sure kids stay kids, have fun playing sports and develop new healthy habits with the right balance of encouragement and support.

Kay Porter, Ph.D. The Mental Athlete, Human Kinetics, 2003
Weiss, M. R., Fretwell, S. D. (2005). The parent-coach/child-athlete relationship in youth sport: Cordial, contentious, or conundrum? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (3), 286-305.

5 Steps to be Fit and Healthy


 There's no secret to being fit and healthy. The hardest part is getting started and sticking with your routine. The process requires time and more importantly...dedication.

I run ten to fifteen miles per week and eat a very healthy diet.  With the amount of exercise I do and the type of food I eat, I should be extremely lean and toned. But I wasn't really seeing the results that I wanted.  I realized that my body simply adjusted to my daily routine and it needed a lift.

I started looking for new exercise routines to jump-start my fitness slump.  In my research, I  found lots of tips on how to make my routine & my diet more efficient.  By incorporating these 5 simple steps, I've seen significant results and finally figured out what works for me. And it can work for you too!

#1: Drink Lemon Water
Start your morning by flushing the toxins from your body by drinking a warm, 8oz glass of lemon water.  Lemon water is an essential addition to your daily routine.  It provides minerals and vitamins including vitamin C, B-1, B-2 and B-6 and aids in your body's digestion.  Throughout your day, drink at least 8 glasses of lemon water a day. By adding this simple step to your diet, you'll not only help your body's digestion and aide in weight loss, you should discover better looking skin and new found energy.

#2: Drink Tea--- Green Tea
A friend of mine once told me that if there's only one thing you change in your diet, drink green tea every day. Research has found health benefits linked to fighting cancer and heart disease, lowering cholesterol and burning fat.  I've also read that by drinking green tea, you can increase your body's resting metabolic rate. That's all I needed to hear. I have an extremely slow metabolism, so I don't ask questions.

#3: Plyometrics (and traditional weight training)
Cardio is key to keeping your heart healthy and improving your stamina. Keep doing it! But to build overall body strength and speed, you've got to incorporate the principles of plyometrics.

Running has helped me develop great lower body strength, but my upper body strength is nothing to brag about.  If you recall, I've mentioned that I'm a slow runner.  I've looked at my race results year over year and was shocked to see my pace has not improved.    I started incorporating weight training into my routine along with plyometrics and I've noticed a difference in my muscle definition, along with an increase in my running speed (yeah!).

You don't need to spend tons of time in the gym.  It's not about the amount of time you spend, it's about how efficient you are.  Read more about this in my next post about Quick and Efficient Muscle Building Routines that you can add to your cardio workout.

#4: Whole Foods
Are you eating clean and whole foods? Our busy schedules have us on the move all the time, making it harder and harder to focus on preparing the right foods for your family's meals.  You don't have to be an expert to know that organic, whole foods are much better for your overall health vs. eating processed or pre-prepared foods.

Think about deli meat, for example. It's filled with all sorts of stuff that we shouldn't put in our bodies! Instead of buying sliced turkey at the deli counter, I grab a turkey london broil from the butcher.  Each week, I bake it, slice it, and store it in a container in my refrigerator.  I've just took a simple step to packing healthier lunches for me and my family (and it's more economical).

#5: SmoothiesSmoothies....what can I say. We all love them and they're easy to prepare.  My morning starts with a banana and strawberry smoothie made with almond milk and a teaspoon of Flaxseed.  There is no easier way to get essential vitamins and minerals incorporated into your daily routine.

To ensure that I don't skip this very important step, I prep my fruit the night before.  If you have a Bullet, event better. You can blend your smoothie in the Bullet mug and take it on the go. Try it. Flaxseed provides fiber to help you feel fuller to get you through your morning. And the tiny seed has been linked to research showing that it helps fight cancer.

You will figure out what works best for you but by incorporating these 5 simple steps into your daily routine, you'll feel great and discover a more fit and healthy you!

Your Health is Your Wealth

I used to be the person who loaded 99c packets of white pasta into my trolley, together with the 99c loaves of white bread, and went home feeling pleased that I had stuck to my $100 grocery budget.
It never occurred to me that saving money, by living on cheap food, might be a false economy. Not until I started researching the stuff that gets put into our food.
Nowadays, our grocery bill is roughly twice the amount it used to be. I realise that’s quite a large chunk if money is tight.
But is the food we eat really an “expense”…Or is it an investment?
My experience has taught me that it’s the latter, and here’s why:
1. Good health will save you money in the long run.
Of course there’s all the usual things like, less down-time through sickness or ill-health, less money spent on medications, less money spent on doctors and specialists, and increased productivity due to more energy and motivation.
But there’s other benefits, too, like healthier skin and hair.
It pains me to admit that over the last decade I have probably spent thousands of dollars on skin and hair-care products, with the thought that THIS one might make my hair glossy, or my skin glow….
They never did. Because the truth is, that mediocre skin and hair are less about the product you use, and more about what you put in your mouth.
I no longer waste my money on pretty products, endorsed by the latest TV star. I use only a couple of good quality products, like pure coconut oil as a moisteriser, or raw organic honey as a face-mask. If I can’t eat it, I don’t put it on my skin.
But the best benefit of all is mental health.
Take care of yourself, and you’ll think clearer, and more positively, and more creatively than you ever have before.
You simply cannot put a price on this…which brings me to my next point.
2. Good health is priceless.
Midway through 2010, after researching food additives and cosmetic ingredients, I set about to change not only our diet, but our whole lifestyle. We cut out sugar, yeast, white flour, tap water, almost all packaged foods, and any personal care product that wasn’t completely natural.
We switched to organic sourdough breads, organic dairy products, wholemeal grains, and LOTS of fruit, vegetables and nuts.
In the beginning we felt worse….
But then we began to feel better – much better. In fact, so much better, it just wasn’t worth going back.
Some of the health benefits we’ve experienced from eating better are:
- Our youngest son’s eczema disappeared, leading to a much happier little boy who started to sleep through the night for the first time ever. (He was 14mths old at this time.)
- Our older son’s reading and concentration at school dramatically improved, and his hyperactive behaviour improved to the point, that I can now tell if he’s eaten food with additives in it, without anyone telling me. The change in behaviour is that obvious!
- My energy levels improved beyond recognition. No more “nanna naps” or mid-afternoon slumps.
- My husband’s regular bouts of hives vanished, and so did the hay-fever that made him miserable every Spring.
- Colds, flus and upset tummies are now a rarity in our house. Yes, even with children attending school and childcare.
The improved quality of life and the feeling of well-being is something that all the money in the world cannot buy.
Think about it. There is nothing more de-motivating and disheartening, than constant illness, fatigue or allergies.
An investment in your health is really an investment in you reaching your potential, and living the full and rewarding life that we all wish for ourselves and our children.
And that, by my definition, is true wealth.
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