50 Simple Health Tips


Sip Oolong Tea

Research suggests that people with mild eczema who drink oolong tea three times a day may show improvement in itching and other symptoms. Compounds in the tea called polyphenols appear to be responsible


 Go Herbal

For varicose veins, try horse chestnut, an herbal extract that's been shown in studies to strengthen veins and reduce swelling. The herb is also available in topical creams, though there's not as much evidence for these.


How to Get Fit ( 9 Steps ) part 5 & 6

How to Get Fit ( 9 Steps ) part 5
Keep track of your progress and be proud of minor improvements. Don't be discouraged if you stop losing weight or if you have a few setbacks; remember that overall, you've put yourself on an upward trajectory and that's definitely something to be proud of.
Don't think that just because you have one setback, you may as well scrap it all and give up for the day. There's a big difference between consuming 500 calories and 1000 calories of junk food, so keep yourself motivated towards progress


How to Get Fit ( 9 Steps ) part 6
Give your body fuel. As you become more active, you'll need more food, but not just any food—you need healthy, energy-laden food that'll jump-start the next phase of your day, not weigh it down. Learn how to eat healthfully and drink more water.

  • Learn to eat right. Start by switching to whole grain. It's healthy and delicious. It might not be what you're used to, but you'll enjoy the richer, nuttier flavors. Cut out unhealthy snacks and replace them with fruits and vegetables. The high fiber and water content will make you feel full, and the high vitamin and mineral content will nourish your body naturally.[4]
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day. It keeps you hydrated, promoting optimal metabolic activity.[5] Moreover, water takes up a great volume in your stomach, so you will feel fuller without having consumed many snacks or meals. This is a great tool to keep off the excessive calories that you don't really need, but consume due to psychological eating or not knowing your satiety levels.
  • Carry a metal water bottle around with you at all times. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get in your recommended 64-80 oz. of water each day. It's also cheaper than purchasing drinks whenever you get thirsty, and better for the environment.
  • Eat foods with a low glycemic index. These are foods that take longer for your body to digest and convert into energy, so you will feel fuller throughout the day with a smaller number of calories. Moreover, you avoid the "sugar rush" that comes as a result of eating foods with a high glycemic index, getting a nice boost of sustained energy throughout the day instead. This will keep you uplifted whether you're doing work or exercising.

How to Get Fit ( 9 Steps ) part 4

How to Get Fit ( 9 Steps ) part 4
Switch things up. Any physical activity that takes a bit of effort will help you get fit, but it's important to remember that variety is the spice of life—and of physical fitness! More importantly, as your body gets comfortable performing a certain activity, it learns to do it more efficiently, making it easy for you to plateau in your workouts. Keep both your body and your mind guessing by enjoying a diversity of activities and having fun:
  • Dance for exercise. Anything from ballet dance to break dancing or even jump style will increase your fitness if you stick with it.
  • Jump in the pool. It doesn't matter if you're treading water, dog paddling, or mastering the butterfly stroke. Swimming is a good form of exercise that can be fun, too.
  • Walk the dog. Your dog, the neighbor's dog, your girlfriend's sister's cousin's dog...it doesn't matter. If you don't have a dog, go to a dog park and play with someone else's dog. You meet good people, you get exercise, you socialize, and you can snuggle a puppy while you’re at it!
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