Kids and Sports: Do's and Don'ts for Youth Sports Parents
Encouraging your kids to play sports is one of the best ways to help them develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. But some parents take that support too far by emphasizing winning rather than developing skills and having fun. The crazy sports parent isn't that uncommon. Here are some tips to make sure you don't become one of them.
The line between encouraging your child and pushing him beyond his abilities can be somewhat easy to cross. Youth sports parents occasionally need to be reminded of some basic "do's and don'ts" to help children become happy, healthy and confident young athletes.
Youth Sports Parent Do's:
  • Encourage your child to try and play any sport he or she enjoys. The biggest motivation for kids to play sports is having fun, and they often drop out because they are no longer finding the activity pleasurable.
  • Support your child's decision not to play a sport if he or she doesn't want to. Pushing a child into sports may lead to conflict, poor motivation and other problems at home.
  • Let your child make mistakes. Doing so is part of learning, and if kids are so afraid of messing up that they quit trying, they unknowingly stop improving.
  • Enjoy what you child does and can do. A parent who is interested and supportive, but not too serious or directive, will allow the child to set her own goals and be accountable for her achievements.
  • Encourage your child to set goals, and measure his progress. A child who plays sports often needs help defining appropriate and realistic goals that stretch him without becoming overwhelming. This is one of the best things a parent or coach can influence.

  • Remind your child of all the health benefits of playing sports, and encourage her to focus on positive health behaviors.
  • Encourage your child to compete against himself, and use competition as a way to improve his own abilities.
Sports Parents Don'ts:
  • Don't push your goals on your child. Many parents get into trouble by trying to seek out their own identity though their child's success. Remember that your child is a unique person with individual interests and goals, and allow him to define his own goals.
  • Don't look for excuses for losing a game. Many parents think they are helping by finding blame in the weather, equipment, or field. However, this attitude often backfires because kids fail to learn accountability for the outcome. These kids may never learn from their mistakes or try something new because they are quick to blame others for their short-comings.
  • Don't focus on winning -- focus on fully participating. Children who are expected to win are often too anxious to do their best during a game. Additionally, they may lose interest in sports and competition of any kind. Parents who choose not to focus on having fun, developing new skills and doing one's best encourage kids to become resistant and resentful, unsure of themselves and their abilities, and disinterested in trying again.
  • Don't criticize or yell instructions during the game. This only embarrasses your child and adds to the pressure she feels. If your child needs some simple feedback, provide it calmly and clearly in a positive way. Tell her one or two things to do, not a list of things not to do. Kids can only handle a little information at once, so be clear and calm.
Remember that playing sports as a child should be all about growing, developing, having a good time, and learning important social skills. Most kids want to play sports because they enjoy it. If the sport becomes pressure-filled or overly stressful, kids may lose interest or even develop serious coping issues that take a lot of the joy out of being a kid. Parents can help make sure kids stay kids, have fun playing sports and develop new healthy habits with the right balance of encouragement and support.

Kay Porter, Ph.D. The Mental Athlete, Human Kinetics, 2003
Weiss, M. R., Fretwell, S. D. (2005). The parent-coach/child-athlete relationship in youth sport: Cordial, contentious, or conundrum? Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (3), 286-305.

5 Steps to be Fit and Healthy


 There's no secret to being fit and healthy. The hardest part is getting started and sticking with your routine. The process requires time and more importantly...dedication.

I run ten to fifteen miles per week and eat a very healthy diet.  With the amount of exercise I do and the type of food I eat, I should be extremely lean and toned. But I wasn't really seeing the results that I wanted.  I realized that my body simply adjusted to my daily routine and it needed a lift.

I started looking for new exercise routines to jump-start my fitness slump.  In my research, I  found lots of tips on how to make my routine & my diet more efficient.  By incorporating these 5 simple steps, I've seen significant results and finally figured out what works for me. And it can work for you too!

#1: Drink Lemon Water
Start your morning by flushing the toxins from your body by drinking a warm, 8oz glass of lemon water.  Lemon water is an essential addition to your daily routine.  It provides minerals and vitamins including vitamin C, B-1, B-2 and B-6 and aids in your body's digestion.  Throughout your day, drink at least 8 glasses of lemon water a day. By adding this simple step to your diet, you'll not only help your body's digestion and aide in weight loss, you should discover better looking skin and new found energy.

#2: Drink Tea--- Green Tea
A friend of mine once told me that if there's only one thing you change in your diet, drink green tea every day. Research has found health benefits linked to fighting cancer and heart disease, lowering cholesterol and burning fat.  I've also read that by drinking green tea, you can increase your body's resting metabolic rate. That's all I needed to hear. I have an extremely slow metabolism, so I don't ask questions.

#3: Plyometrics (and traditional weight training)
Cardio is key to keeping your heart healthy and improving your stamina. Keep doing it! But to build overall body strength and speed, you've got to incorporate the principles of plyometrics.

Running has helped me develop great lower body strength, but my upper body strength is nothing to brag about.  If you recall, I've mentioned that I'm a slow runner.  I've looked at my race results year over year and was shocked to see my pace has not improved.    I started incorporating weight training into my routine along with plyometrics and I've noticed a difference in my muscle definition, along with an increase in my running speed (yeah!).

You don't need to spend tons of time in the gym.  It's not about the amount of time you spend, it's about how efficient you are.  Read more about this in my next post about Quick and Efficient Muscle Building Routines that you can add to your cardio workout.

#4: Whole Foods
Are you eating clean and whole foods? Our busy schedules have us on the move all the time, making it harder and harder to focus on preparing the right foods for your family's meals.  You don't have to be an expert to know that organic, whole foods are much better for your overall health vs. eating processed or pre-prepared foods.

Think about deli meat, for example. It's filled with all sorts of stuff that we shouldn't put in our bodies! Instead of buying sliced turkey at the deli counter, I grab a turkey london broil from the butcher.  Each week, I bake it, slice it, and store it in a container in my refrigerator.  I've just took a simple step to packing healthier lunches for me and my family (and it's more economical).

#5: SmoothiesSmoothies....what can I say. We all love them and they're easy to prepare.  My morning starts with a banana and strawberry smoothie made with almond milk and a teaspoon of Flaxseed.  There is no easier way to get essential vitamins and minerals incorporated into your daily routine.

To ensure that I don't skip this very important step, I prep my fruit the night before.  If you have a Bullet, event better. You can blend your smoothie in the Bullet mug and take it on the go. Try it. Flaxseed provides fiber to help you feel fuller to get you through your morning. And the tiny seed has been linked to research showing that it helps fight cancer.

You will figure out what works best for you but by incorporating these 5 simple steps into your daily routine, you'll feel great and discover a more fit and healthy you!

Your Health is Your Wealth

I used to be the person who loaded 99c packets of white pasta into my trolley, together with the 99c loaves of white bread, and went home feeling pleased that I had stuck to my $100 grocery budget.
It never occurred to me that saving money, by living on cheap food, might be a false economy. Not until I started researching the stuff that gets put into our food.
Nowadays, our grocery bill is roughly twice the amount it used to be. I realise that’s quite a large chunk if money is tight.
But is the food we eat really an “expense”…Or is it an investment?
My experience has taught me that it’s the latter, and here’s why:
1. Good health will save you money in the long run.
Of course there’s all the usual things like, less down-time through sickness or ill-health, less money spent on medications, less money spent on doctors and specialists, and increased productivity due to more energy and motivation.
But there’s other benefits, too, like healthier skin and hair.
It pains me to admit that over the last decade I have probably spent thousands of dollars on skin and hair-care products, with the thought that THIS one might make my hair glossy, or my skin glow….
They never did. Because the truth is, that mediocre skin and hair are less about the product you use, and more about what you put in your mouth.
I no longer waste my money on pretty products, endorsed by the latest TV star. I use only a couple of good quality products, like pure coconut oil as a moisteriser, or raw organic honey as a face-mask. If I can’t eat it, I don’t put it on my skin.
But the best benefit of all is mental health.
Take care of yourself, and you’ll think clearer, and more positively, and more creatively than you ever have before.
You simply cannot put a price on this…which brings me to my next point.
2. Good health is priceless.
Midway through 2010, after researching food additives and cosmetic ingredients, I set about to change not only our diet, but our whole lifestyle. We cut out sugar, yeast, white flour, tap water, almost all packaged foods, and any personal care product that wasn’t completely natural.
We switched to organic sourdough breads, organic dairy products, wholemeal grains, and LOTS of fruit, vegetables and nuts.
In the beginning we felt worse….
But then we began to feel better – much better. In fact, so much better, it just wasn’t worth going back.
Some of the health benefits we’ve experienced from eating better are:
- Our youngest son’s eczema disappeared, leading to a much happier little boy who started to sleep through the night for the first time ever. (He was 14mths old at this time.)
- Our older son’s reading and concentration at school dramatically improved, and his hyperactive behaviour improved to the point, that I can now tell if he’s eaten food with additives in it, without anyone telling me. The change in behaviour is that obvious!
- My energy levels improved beyond recognition. No more “nanna naps” or mid-afternoon slumps.
- My husband’s regular bouts of hives vanished, and so did the hay-fever that made him miserable every Spring.
- Colds, flus and upset tummies are now a rarity in our house. Yes, even with children attending school and childcare.
The improved quality of life and the feeling of well-being is something that all the money in the world cannot buy.
Think about it. There is nothing more de-motivating and disheartening, than constant illness, fatigue or allergies.
An investment in your health is really an investment in you reaching your potential, and living the full and rewarding life that we all wish for ourselves and our children.
And that, by my definition, is true wealth.

Stopping the weight-gain: Menopause

Menopause is well known as being a time when weight is gained. Eating well and being active are key.
Menopause causes the greatest revolution in hormone levels. Blamed for many things during a woman's life, her hormones are now also maligned for causing weight gain. As well as the
effect of age, falling levels of the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone further reduce the rate at which energy is used – known as metabolic rate. This is reflected in the dietary
recommendations for women over the age of 50. The amount of kilojoules recommended each day is less, but the amounts of vitamins, minerals and protein remain roughly the same.
So eating healthily, without some of the 'extras', is vitally important to stay fit and well. Remaining active will also help keep weight stable. Although many women feel lethargic and low during this time of change, activity boosts metabolic rate, as well as feelings of self-esteem and self-worth.

Tummy trimming tips for menopause

  • A brisk walk each day is one of the best ways to help yourself feel better, and can be enjoyed with friends too.
  • Don't skip breakfast. Missing meals does not help weight control and can leave you feeling even more tired and lethargic.
  • Take a tip from the Japanese, the masters of portion control. Keeping the amount we eat at each meal in check is important for controlling weight, and there is some evidence it can help us live longer too.
  • If grandparenthood finds its way to you, allow your grandchildren to run you off your feet – it's good for you, if exhausting!
  • Enjoy this time of life to the maximum, but indulge yourself in non-food treats. Sadly, you will start to lose friends to some of our common lifestyle illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer. Although these usually take years to develop, it's never too late to help yourself by eating well.

How to snack the healthy way ...

The wrong snacks can be a real trap when it comes to weight loss and staying healthy. But you can develop healthy snacking behaviour.

Snacking is normal – we all do it and it isn't always bad. It just depends on what, when and why you snack. Take a moment to step back and look at your snacking behaviour, to check you are on a healthy track. Do any of these snacking types sound like you?

The hungry snacker:

  • Your car is cluttered with lolly wrappers and pie crumbs.
  • You never eat much for dinner because you snacked so much while preparing it.

The impulse snacker:

  • You see a TV advertisement for chocolate and you just have to eat some.
  • You can't pass through the supermarket checkout without a little something from the 'impulse bar'.

The habitual snacker:

  • You always have a little sweet treat with your tea or coffee – whether you are hungry or not.
  • After a busy day you like to chill out with a pre-dinner drink and nibbles.
  • The kids are finally in bed: time to relax with a hot drink and a well-deserved biscuit or three.
  • You are studying for exams: you simply can't make it through without chocolate or lollies.
  • It's 10am – time for coffee and cake!

The emotional snacker:

  • You have just had a huge argument with your best friend; your dog just died; life is terrible – time to bury yourself in the biscuit tin.
  • You have just missed that important appointment and got a speeding ticket. Time for some chocolate.
  • You are bored and find yourself peering into the pantry or hanging off the fridge door looking for something – anything!
If you ticked most of the boxes above, you are not alone. This list is written from personal experience! We all snack sometimes, and mostly for reasons other than simply fuelling the body. But when the snacks start adding up we can find the kilos do too.

Three square meals a day or grazing – which is best?

Even the experts differ in their opinions about whether it is best to stick to three meals a day or graze. It really depends on what suits you best.
Those in the grazing camp say that eating every 3-4 hours helps keep your metabolic rate up – that's the rate at which your body burns up energy or fat.
This can work well if you choose small serves of the right food. But it can backfire if you are grazing on fatty, sweet treats. And even choosing 'healthy' snacks, you are at risk of inadvertently taking in more kilojoules than you need if you are not careful about portion sizes.
Some people prefer just three meals a day with perhaps a snack for morning or afternoon tea. With the right snack this also works well. Just make sure you eat enough during the day to avoid the pre-dinner munchies.
Children need healthy snacks in between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Their small stomachs cope better with smaller meals more often.
For people with diabetes, snacking between meals is an essential part of managing their blood glucose levels.

What snack size? And how many?

An 'average' woman might need about 8500kJ each day – more if you're very active, less if you're small, and less as you age. You can spread these kilojoules through the day any way you like – as real meals or snacks. If you want to 'have your cake and eat dinner too', then dinner may need to be a bit smaller to compensate for the extra kilojoules. Or if you prefer to keep your main meals to a decent size then you have maybe 1500kJ left for snacks.
That's not a lot, really – one decadent chocolate bar will account for the lot! – or you could have three or four smaller snacks of around 400kJ each. Don't forget to include that latté, glass of wine or glass of juice in your quota!

Watch out for drinks

A can of soft drink has about 8 teaspoons of sugar and tonic water has just as many kilojoules as soft drink even though it doesn't taste sweet. If you love your G&Ts go for diet tonic, or try lime and soda – perhaps with a nip of brandy if you've had a hard day! Soda water and sparkling water have virtually no kilojoules. Replace your daily can of soft drink with water and you could lose up to 6kg in a year!
Health-conscious parents know that soft drinks are a treat food, not an everyday food. But what about fruit juice? Sure it has a few vitamins and is more 'natural' than soft drink, but a glass of fruit juice can have the equivalent of up to 6 teaspoons of sugar. These liquid lollies slide down the throat and it's easy to drink a few glasses a day without feeling full.
Researchers at Deakin University in Melbourne studied children aged 4-12 and found that those who drank over two glasses of fruit juice or cordial a day were more likely to be overweight or obese. Children who drank over four glasses a day were more than twice as likely to be overweight.
Teach children to enjoy water, milk or very diluted juice as liquid snacks – and give them fruit rather than juice. It's better for their teeth and their health.
Watch out for milkshakes and smoothies too. The kJ value varies enormously depending on how much ice cream or frozen yoghurt is added. Some can be just like sucking flavoured ice cream up the straw! Find places that make more 'real' smoothies – using real fruit and milk – and ask for reduced-fat milk. You will easily cut out at least 300-400 kilojoules.
Remember that a healthy snack is not simply the one with the least kilojoules. A glass of milk has about 600kJ but is packed with protein, calcium and other vital nutrients – with no artificial sweeteners or colours. It's a bone-building, tooth-friendly snack for growing children.

The bottom line

Snacking is often a habit, and like all habits, it takes a bit of brain power to change it. It may be as simple as thinking before you open your mouth. This rule works well not only in relationships but also in choosing healthy snacks.
Try to use your hunger as a guide, not your habit. When we unconsciously, impulsively put anything in our mouths we are heading for trouble.
But with a bit of thought and planning we can happily snack, and still look and feel good.

Minimum Health or Maximum Health? That is the Question!

Picture yourself in one of the following scenarios.

You're cruising along in your new car by the ocean or in the mountains near the ski lodge, or just a leisurely drive through a beautiful forest or in the country. You stop and smell the fresh air you hear the scenic sounds. You are at peace.

You're relaxing on the patio of your new home - you see the mountains or lake in the distance. Your friends are over as you barbecue in your new back yard. Everyone loves your new home. Or you're out on the lake in your new boat with family or friends. Feel the breeze in your face - smell the fresh scents in the air.

Picture yourself on vacation - you are on the deck of a cruise ship - you are on the top deck under the stars. You feel the warm tropic breeze in your face. The full moon is reflecting off the water as you are holding the one you love in your arms.

We analyze the lives most of us actually have and what our lives could be and the role they play!

The question is who would want only minimum health (or worse) when they could have maximum health!

Maximum health is like you feel when you ask that special someone for a date for the first time and they say yes!

Minimum health is when you ask that special someone out and they tell you, that is the Saturday night when they have to do the laundry and wash their hair!

Picture maximum health as cruising next to the ocean in a sport car convertible with your lover next to you..
Picture minimum health as stuck in traffic in your 10-year-old station wagon with the air conditioner broken.

Maximum health is like being on a honeymoon on your own private beach in Hawaii. Running down the beach at night with the one you love with the warm tropic wind in your hair. The huge moon shining down on the palm trees and the tranquil bay.

Minimum health is stuck working overtime in an un-airconditioned office with a huge pile of paperwork stacked on your desk. In walks your boss - the one with all the personality of a geek with BO. He can't stand going home to his abusive wife so he works 14 hour days and gives dirty looks to his employees when they leave before him. Your boss starts yelling about some stupid unfinished report...

Minimum health is like living paycheck to paycheck - just getting by, just barely having enough money to pay the bills each month. Minimum health is like Darling we have a little extra this month - would you like to go out to eat at McDonalds and get a Big Mac?

Maximum health is sailing away on a cruise ship to the Caribbean with the one you love while dining in elegance each evening!

 Sure the above minimum health situations aren't going to kill you (or at least not immediately), but is this the way you want to live your life? Do you really want to just scrape by when there is an option? Let's examine the statement ...aren't going to kill you or at least not immediately.

Minimum health is simply the current absence of real illness or disease. Often people in minimum health are often too tired or sluggish to do things, they are overweight, etc. They don't feel real bad but they sure don't feel terrific. And what about our statement, some would argue that the above minimum health scenarios lead to premature and even a slow death!

Actually the attitude of minimum health is like too many other attitudes we have. We are always too willing to sell ourselves short. We are too willing to settle for second best even when we don't have to. Too often this attitude can flow over into our jobs and relationships. This over the course of a lifetime can cause us much unhappiness and cost us a lot of money.

But the real issue here is minimum versus maximum health and what are we doing to strive toward maximum health? For example do you take high quality nutritional supplements or are you depending on the fast and processed foods to get all your nutrients? I would encourage you to take high quality vitamin and nutritional supplements with enzymes, antioxidants and dietary fiber along with exercise and weight management on a daily basis to strive toward maximum health.

Quick and Easy Ways to Start

Quick and Easy Ways to Start
Get started on a healthier lifestyle with these ideas!
No time for breakfast?
  • Grab an apple, an orange or any other fruit as you head out the door.
  • Pack baby carrots, nuts, or dried fruit for a snack.
  • Take whole wheat crackers, lean meats and low-fat milk along with you.
  • Try taking leftovers and eating on the way.
  • Munch on veggies, pretzels, or popcorn.
Mom with children at the grocery store
At a fast food restaurant?
  • Try a grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad.
  • Split an order of fries.
  • Leave off the mayonnaise, sauce and spreads when ordering a sandwich.
  • Share a rich dessert with a friend.
Want to cut fat in meals?
  • Use a cooking spray instead of oil to sauté foods.
  • Trim visible fat from meat and remove skin from poultry, too.
  • Instead of cheese and heavy salad dressings, add fiber-rich beans and peas to your salad meals. Canned chick peas or other beans are a delicious addition to a salad.
Woman making dinner
Need to get moving?
  • Work off a big lunch by taking a bike ride or a walk with your kids after work.
  • Instead of socializing with friends by watching videos or dining, plan to go walking, biking or dancing.
  • Aim for the farthest parking spot, not the closest, so you can get in extra walking.
  • Walk the sidelines or stroll around the field instead of lounging in the stands while the kids play soccer or softball.
  • Run up and down the stairs with each load of laundry, get up and change the channel, and walk to your co-worker’s office instead of calling.
  • Join a step aerobics, kick-boxing or body toning class. Check your local park district, recreation center, or health club to find the best option for your budget and skill level.
Family gardening

Weight-loss tips for men: How do I know what size is right?

Weight-loss tips for men: How do I know what size is right?

A few days ago, I struggled out of a deep sleep and began preparing for my morning stumble to the local coffee cart (it's a habit, I confess). I pulled a pair of pants out of the drawer, and sleepily yanked them up, but lo and behold! The button was a little tight. Had they just come out of the drier? Probably not. This discovery kick-started me into a mini reconstruction of my food plans because I know the fit of my trousers is a good measure of changes in my body size, whereas the scales can be confusing.
Most men I talk to are not satisfied with the methods of body size determination available. BMI (Body Mass Index) can be confusing. So I want to give you two tips for measuring your body size which may be more realistic for your situation.
Reality is in your pants: We all have a few pieces of clothing which 'fit' in a particular way – you probably recognise the feeling of them better than anything else. I have a pair of crappy old ex-British Army pants (op shop – $4). I love them to bits and I know how they fit and it was these pants I yanked on and it was like a loudspeaker blasting in my ear. Take a moment and identify your version of my pants. Once a week, when they are clean and dry, first thing in the morning pull them on and relax… then ask yourself, "Do these pants feel normal?" Do the same with a jacket or shirt. Fabric doesn't lie.
Waist to height ratio is another way to size yourself up. Do these measurements once a week and keep track of the results. Compare the results each week to gage real measured changes to your body.

Waist to height ratio

To calculate your waist to height ratio, measure your waist (around your belly button) and your height, then divide the waist measurement by the height measurement.
The ratio for men and women is ideally less than 0.5  –  which means your waist should be no more than half your height. My waist, for example, is about 89cm and my height is 183cm, which makes my ratio 0.486.
If you're on a weight-loss or exercise programme, you'll see changes in your waist measurement and the ratio.

10 Tips For Maximum Strength

Strength training centers around the basic desire to get stronger, and stronger. If you aren't getting stronger, then alter your regimen with these tips.

1/Change Your Exercise Selection
If you're typically performing the bench press, you may want to try incline press as your main lift for a week or two. This change in exercises will alter the stress being placed on the body and can produce faster strength adaptations. As a result, when you move back down to the flat bench again, you'll feel stronger than you were before; and that double bodyweight bench max may not be so far out of reach.
Choose exercises that focus on the weak points of the lifts you want to improve. For example, if during max-effort squat attempts you find yourself losing the weight forward, switching to a Good Morning will help you finish that attempt. If you find yourself struggling with the lockout when you bench press, a few weeks on the board press, chains, or bands should clear up the problem promptly.
Utilize this principle by doing sumo squats rather than front or back squats, or try weighted pull-ups rather than lat pull-downs.
The strongest powerlifters in the world spend half of their training time working on accelerating light weights quickly. And whenever they're moving heavy weights, they're always trying to move them fast. They're trying to increase the rate of force production. You recruit more muscles when you move weight quickly.
Whether it's the bar or your max bench press, you need to move it with your maximum force. Lifting slowly is for hypertrophy, not strength. Power, which is the combination of speed and strength, is a neuromuscular skill. Focusing on acceleration (without compromising technique) teaches you to recruit more motor units and helps them learn to work at the same time. This component of strength is one of the reasons people with similar levels of muscle development can have radical differences in the amount of force they produce.
3/Check Your Breathing
Using correct breathing techniques, like exhaling or holding your breath on the contraction (concentric) portion of the movement can help your body generate maximum force capacity.
If it's been a while since you took note of your breathing habits, start paying attention. Most people are taught to inhale on the eccentric part of an exercise and to exhale during the concentric. While you should definitely breathe, this isn't the method that works best when you need to produce a large amount of force. In the everyday world, when you need to move something heavy, you take a big breath, push/pull while holding your breath, only exhaling after or during the completion of the movement.
This is referring to movements that are near maximal effort, and it is known as the Valsava maneuver (holding your breath against a closed glottis while increasing thoracic abdominal pressure). It allows us to lift more (safely), braces us, and prevents pilots from blacking out. A lifter will probably not be squatting 600 pounds while slowly breathing out.
4/Do A Warm-Up Set
A good warm-up set gets the muscle cell motor units firing. It also helps circulate blood so oxygen and nutrients get delivered to muscle cells. Practicing the movement pattern primes your CNS. The strongest lifters in the world usually start bench press with the bar. You should too. A warm-up set can also help delay fatigue so you're able to withstand heavier weight for longer.
It might be tempting to walk in the gym and throw 300 pounds on your back; but do your mind and body a favor and warm up a little.
5/Go In Well-Fueled
If you want to increase your strength, you need to make sure you eat properly before you hit the gym. If you aren't taking in any form of glucose prior to your weightlifting session, you won't have the energy levels to perform the way you want to because low blood sugar levels are the fastest way to zap strength.
Eat complex carbs and protein before a workout, not cupcakes. Too many simple carbs can cause a blood sugar spike and then a dip. You won't make any PRs with plummeting levels of blood glucose, that's for sure.
6/Take Two Days Off
Sometimes, the real reason you aren't lifting as heavy as you could is because you're teetering on the verge of overtraining. If you typically take a day off between full-body sessions or train consecutive days in a row, try taking two full days off. No cardio or no weightlifting, pure rest.
If you're in the gym multiple times each week without giving your body enough time to recover, your muscles aren't going to build, and your bench press isn't going to improve.
Even two days may not be enough. Many strength athletes can't handle maximum loads every week or they burn out quickly. If you find your lifts aren't going up consistently, you may need to rotate your intensity and include regular periods of de-loading, where you lift lighter weights for a week.
7/Try Nitric Oxide
A nitric oxide product could help enhance strength because it'll cause your blood vessels to dilate. Wider blood vessels mean greater oxygen delivery to your muscle cells and reduced fatigue.
N.O. products can also help increase your mental focus—a definite necessity if you're going heavy.
8/Turn Down The Volume
Heavy lifting is extremely taxing on the central nervous system, connective tissue, as well as your muscles. You only have so much recovery capacity, so doing many sets of heavy weights every session can drain your recovery systems dry.
Do less overall volume. For bodybuilding, a couple dozen sets for one muscle group can be almost normal, but there is no way you're going to maintain your strength through that duration.
Instead, do fewer exercises, putting the bulk of the volume into your primary movement.
Keep your reps low, even on warm up sets. Instead of 3 sets of 10, try 3-5 sets of 2-5 reps. You will be able to move heavier weight and maintain your strength.
9/Cut Out Isolation Exercises
If your goal is maximum strength gains, take out the isolation movements from your exercise regimen. Isolation exercises drain your recovery reserves, leaving you less able to give your best effort on compound movements.
If you're doing compound exercises, you're already hitting the muscles isolation exercises would work, so there's no need to add additional isolation movements to a pure strength program.

10/Stretch Between Sets
Stretching your muscles between sets can increase dynamic flexibility and improve joint mobility. Don't static stretch the primary mover, but dynamically stretch it. For example, if you're doing legs, do leg swings to stretch instead of standing toe-touches. If you have your heart set on some static stretches for rest, stretch the antagonist, or the opposite muscles than the ones that are doing the work. For example, if you're training your chest, stretch your lats and middle back. Some data shows that static stretching can temporarily weaken the muscle. If you're trying to move as much weight as possible, weakness is not your friend.

Top 10 healthy food traps

Top 10 healthy food traps

You may think these foods are healthy choices but moderation is the key. They can be weight-gain traps.

1. Nuts

Are high in fat – most of them are around 50% fat – and therefore high in kilojoules. Even though many of them contain good fats and useful antioxidants, eat them in tiny quantities to get their positive benefits without adding too many extra kilojoules.
Three Brazil nuts contain over 200% of the recommended dietary intake (RDI) for selenium, 7.8g of fat and 320kJ; 1 tablespoon of raw peanuts has 4.5g fat and 220kJ.
So a healthy snack will just be a few nuts, maybe with a piece of fruit; or include a few nuts with your breakfast cereal to get their health benefits without too many extra kJ.

2. Fruit juices

Are energy-dense. You're better off eating a whole piece of fruit which is not only lower in energy but more filling as the juice doesn't contain the fibre.
1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice has around 435kJ but an orange has half that amount. If you love fruit juice try 1/2 a glass of juice diluted with water and limit yourself to one a day.

3. Olive oil

1 teaspoon of oil or 1 teaspoon of butter both equal 5g of fat. Olive oil is a better type of fat but just because it's better for you doesn't mean you can add LOTS of it!
1 teaspoon of olive oil adds 173kJ. Get the benefits of the monounsaturated fats and antioxidants found in extra virgin olive oil by mixing smaller amounts of 1/2 oil and 1/2 balsamic (or any other favourite) vinegar to 'sprinkle' over salads.

4. Canned fish

A healthy protein choice, high in calcium and sometimes omega-3, but choose the ones in spring water or brine as those in oil can have the equivalent of 3 teaspoons of fat in the can (and it's often not a good oil).
Check the labels on canned salmon and tuna for the omega-3 content as some are an excellent source of this beneficial fat. Go for ones with 400mg or more of EPA+DHA in a serve.

5. Muesli bars

Come in all sorts of shapes and sizes – choose one that is whole meal, oven-baked fruit filled. A good starting point is a bar with less than 600kJ, less than 5g fat and less than 9g sugar.

6. Muffins/carrot cakes

Can just be 'cakes' in disguise. Buy (or make) fruit and bran varieties and make sure they are cup-cake size – not Texan sized!
To make a traditional muffin recipe healthier: halve the amount of flour, and add unprocessed bran (2 times the volume as it's lighter); cut the fat right down but add fruit for moisture; use a light polyunsaturated margarine instead of butter and use trim milk.

7. 'Lite' chips

Lite refers to the thin cut of the chip and possibly lightly added salt. These still contain approximately 3 teaspoons of fat in a small 50g packet!
Chips are a no-go zone for anyone wanting to watch their weight. Find healthier snacks you'll enjoy instead. Try a few rice crackers with light cottage cheese, carrot or celery sticks with a low-fat dip.

8. 'Baked not fried'

Does not necessarily mean low-fat. If you see this claim on the pack, check the fat content per 100g and compare it to other similar products. Whether baked or fried, some crackers can be over 25% fat.
Why not try rice crackers, water thins, litebread, Ryvita, rice thins or others with less than 5% fat?

9. Caesar salad

Just because there's some lettuce in it doesn't mean it's healthy: a classic French dressing, loads of parmesan and deep-fried croutons, sometimes with fatty bacon added, make this salad high in fat.
For a healthy version try this Caesar salad recipe using grilled wholemeal bread croutons, less parmesan, less oil, lean bacon and a light mayonnaise.

10. 'Fat-free' confectionery

Most sweets get their energy from sugar not fat, so this claim bears no relationship to the energy content of the confectionery. Look at the nutrition information panels to compare energy content of different products.
If you crave a sweet treat try sugar-free gum; flavoured water; grainy bread with honey; a low-energy ice cream or frozen yoghurt; or a low-kilojoule chocolate drink like Jarrah Chocolatté.

Breastfeeding mums: Eating for maximum energy

Breastfeeding mums: Eating for maximum energy

After nine months of anticipation, anxiety and excitement, your baby finally arrives! And so begins another important step in your journey as a mother – feeding and nurturing your baby outside the womb. Breast milk provides the best start for your baby, but juggling frequent feeds with sleeplessness and busy-ness can be a real challenge. How do you give your baby the best possible start in life while still looking after your own needs?

What you need when breastfeeding

Your baby depends on you to provide energy and nutrients for healthy growth and development; their birth weight will double by five to six months of age. But the good news is eating a nutritious, varied diet, keeping yourself well hydrated, and having plenty of rest will ensure your breast milk provides all your baby’s needs and that you’re healthy and well, too – your baby needs a healthy mum.
While breastfeeding you will need an additional 2000-2100kJ (energy) per day. That’s the equivalent of another meal. It’s important to get this from nutrient-rich foods, not junk foods, as your baby depends on you for vitamins and minerals.
  • Vitamin C needs almost double while breastfeeding, plus you need significantly more vitamin A and folate; so consume at least six servings of fruit and vegetables per day. That’s four servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit. Include plenty of dark leafy greens and coloured fruits and vegetables.
  • More good quality carbohydrates are needed to fuel the breastfeeding process. Choose whole grain carbohydrates as these provide important B vitamins and are a rich source of dietary fibre – you need 30g of dietary fibre per day while breastfeeding, that’s as much as a man! Eat at least seven servings of whole grain carbohydrates per day, like grainy breads, muesli, porridge and brown rice.
  • Extra protein is needed while breastfeeding to provide for your baby’s growth, so enjoy more protein-rich foods. These are also a great source of iron, zinc and vitamin B12, and you need more of zinc and vitamin B12 while breastfeeding, too. Eat at least two servings of protein-rich foods per day. This includes lean meats, eggs, fish, chicken, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Milk and other dairy products provide protein and plenty of riboflavin for you and your baby. So consume more dairy products while breastfeeding – aim for at least three servings of low-fat dairy products per day: enjoy a glass of milk, pottle of yoghurt, cheese or a little low-fat ice cream.
  • If you were thirsty while pregnant, you might be surprised to learn you need even more fluids while breastfeeding! Drink around 10 cups of fluids per day, depending on the temperature and humidity in your environment. This will help to prevent constipation and provide the necessary fluids for making breast milk. While breastfeeding, enjoy water and trim milk, limit caffeinated drinks, and completely avoid energy/smart drinks and alcoholic drinks.
  • Iodine needs increase while breastfeeding but unfortunately your diet most likely won’t  provide enough iodine. Instead take a daily 150mcg iodine supplement while breastfeeding.
  • NOTE: Folate supplements aren’t required while breastfeeding.

Putting theory into practice

Life with a newborn baby can be overwhelming. Your baby has a tiny tummy and needs frequent feeding. In the first weeks you may be feeding between eight to 12 times per day, leaving little time for housework, shopping, cooking, socialising or just relaxing.
Set the expectation with yourself that the first few weeks of your baby’s life will involve frequent nursing and this is normal – then adjust your life to fit around this. Your first priorities are to eat a healthy, nutritious diet, to rest and relax as much as possible, and to breastfeed your baby. Your time and energy is now at a premium so use these ideas to reduce your load:

Set your priorities

Learn to say no. You’re not here to please other people. The world won’t end if you haven’t vacuumed or done the dishes, so let small things slide.

Don’t be a martyr

Accept help if it’s offered, let people do your housework or make a meal.

Ask for help

Get your partner to prepare meals, ask friends and family to provide a home-delivered meal or do some housework. They won’t mind when the reward is a cuddle with your beautiful baby!

Use shortcuts to save time and effort

You’re not trying to win any culinary awards, just survive day to day, so cook quick, easy, nutritious meals in bulk to freeze and provide multiple meals.


While breastfeedin,g rehydrate yourself with a glass of water or milk and a nutritious snack to keep your energy up.

Be prepared

  • Prepare for feeds – visit the bathroom, grab the telephone, a magazine, a glass of water or milk and a healthy snack before you settle in to feed baby.
  • Ask your partner to prepare snacks – such as cut up fruit and veges – for your day.
  • Keep portable snacks in your nappy bag, such as a muesli bar and a bottle of water.

Tasty, simple snack ideas

Make nutrient-packed vegetables and fruits your first snack choice.

  • Home-based snacks – baby carrots, ready-cut celery sticks, plastic pottles of fruit, cut/whole fresh fruit, low-fat yoghurt, bowl of cereal with trim milk, whole grain sandwich/toast topped with banana, Marmite, cheese, jam or baked beans, rice crackers with hummus, salt-reduced soup-in-a-cup.
  • Snacks on the go – banana, apple, small handful of dried fruit and nuts, box of raisins, vege crisps, popcorn, muesli bars.

Conserve your time and energy: make easy dinners in bulk, to freeze in single-servings.

  • Chilli con carne – make in bulk, serve on rice or baked potato with reduced-fat sour cream, on nachos with grated reduced-fat cheese, or in a tortilla wrap with lettuce/tomato/reduced-fat sour cream
  • Beef or chicken enchiladas
  • Salmon or tuna pasta salad – use leftover pasta and tinned fish
  • Chicken/beef stir-fry – use pre-sliced chicken/meat, frozen stir-fry vegetable mix and a dash of teriyaki or oyster sauce.

Tackling ‘baby weight’

Women’s bodies may maintain extra body fat stores until a baby’s birth as these ‘energy deposits’ help to meet the energy needs of breastfeeding. So it makes sense that breastfeeding is the best way to kick-start weight-loss, along with consuming a nutritious diet and undertaking regular physical activity. We’re not suggesting Thai kickboxing, just head out with the stroller for a 30-minute walk most days.
Your baby’s first months are a crucial time and you don’t want to reduce your milk supply by drastic dieting. So focus on eating a healthy diet (ditch the high fat/sugar/salt treat foods) and let your weight naturally reduce. Aim for a gradual, steady weight-loss over nine to 12 months (that is, no more than 0.5kg per week). Take no notice of celebrities who seem to snap back into shape weeks after giving birth. That’s not realistic for most women in the real world.

Weight-loss tips for men: Sizing yourself up 

I'm going to talk about the reality and fantasy of 'big men'. I'm not talking about the Jonah Lomus of the world, but average men who think of themselves as 'naturally big' when really, they just 'eat big'. I was one of them.

Size matters

I spent many years eating huge quantities of food, while my wife Anna looked on with amazement and concern. When she remarked on the quantity, I would say, "But I'm a big bloke. I need to eat this much." I ate what I thought I needed to – hunger and satiation were largely irrelevant.
One weekend, Anna and I were staying with my brother Mark and his wife. Anna suggested that for the entire day, I should try and eat exactly the same as Mark, who is about the same height as me and has always been in the normal weight range. I agreed to give this a go and although I was intensely anxious that I would starve, I didn't. This was a turning point. I realised I was eating for what I thought I was, not for what I am – a normal-sized bloke.
Today, Mark weighs about 76-82kg and I weigh about 89-94kg, so at times I can still be 18kg heavier than him, and our BMIs can be fairly different. However, we are both active, healthy blokes. The interesting bit is that today Mark and I eat a similar amount, even though I am still physically bigger than him – the key is to realise our size difference does not mean I necessarily need to eat a lot more.
If you think you might be eating for the body you think you are rather than the body you truly are, check out the following tips for some tricks to put your perception of yourself to the test.

Tips to challenge your inner big bloke

Try out these strategies – you may actually find you are a normal-sized guy.
  1. Con one of your mates into doing the 'eat what he eats' day. Pick a mate who you think of as a 'normal-sized bloke', and who is about the same height as you. Don't ask Ma'a Nonu!
  2. When you're at a restaurant, order the same meal as the smallest adult at the table. See how you feel an hour after you have finished eating.
  3. During your next café breakfast or brunch, order the vegetarian or cereal option instead of the 'big breakfast' – then take note of how you feel for the rest of the day.

How To Bodybuilding Training Guide For Getting Abs???
Getting abdominal muscle definition is one of the most coveted goals in the bodybuilding and fitness world. Nothing looks more impressive than a well built physique with a six pack of sharply defined abdominals in front of it.

There are many myths regarding how to get abs. Some people are led to believe that thousands of repetitions are required every day in order to get them to show. Others believe that the secret must be some exercise that successful bodybuilders keep to themselves. The truth of the matter is that getting abdominals is a combination of the following:

  1. A Balanced Fat Burning Bodybuilding Diet. I have a saying that "abs are built in the kitchen". The truth is that no matter how many abdominal exercises you do, or for how many repetitions, if you do not follow a bodybuilding diet that emphasizes fat burning you will never get to see your abs. If you go to an anatomy class in college, you'll see that even without exercise, everybody has a great set of abs. However, they are covered by a layer of fat and water. In order for you to be able to see your abs, you need to get your body fat to be low enough for the abs to show. For men this comes out to be a body fat level below 10% body fat and for women below 13%. Typically, guys that have a well defined "six pack" hover at around 6-7% body fat and women at 11-12%.

    A great diet consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins, and 20% good fats works best for the purposes of losing body fat. Since you are focused on reducing body fat, dairy products and fruits need to be eliminated at this time; not because they are not healthy, but due to the fact that the type of simple carbs contained in these foods may slow down fat loss.

    should come mainly from complex slow releasing sources such as oatmeal, grits, brown rice, sweat potatoes in combination with fibrous sources such as green beans and broccoli. Proteins should come from chicken, turkey, tuna, and lean red meats. Fats should come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated sources. Canned extra virgin olive oil and flax seed oil should be the main sources of these.

  2. Enough Cardio built into the program to start the fat loss process and burn some extra calories. 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week at a challenging pace should start producing results. For those of us with a slower metabolism, we may need up to 45 minutes 6-7 times a week.

  3. A Good Weight Training Routine that has you in the gym for 45-60 minutes four to five times a week. After all, you do not want to just have abs without a good physique to carry them, right?
  4. An Abdominal Training Program that is performed at least 3 times a week. A good abdominal training routine serves to strengthen and tone the ab muscles thus giving them a firm and hard look once you are able to see them.

Physical activity and its role in the treatment of some diseases of this age

Physical activity and its role in the treatment of some diseases of this age:There has been a significant development in recent decades on the concept of sport and practicing exercise and the need to practice the sport by all ages and both sexes become so need required and necessary for the various benefits that accrue to the health, especially that the issue of physical activity has become important for people sound and for those who suffer from certain diseases Chronic where you play exercise an important role in prevention and treatment, especially in this day and age that abounded when diseases and became not without House of injury one of its members chronic illness due to replace the machine living human machine mechanical naked (car allowance walking, the elevator instead of the stairs .... etc.) and the use of modern technology, which increased from period asleep person (television, computer etc. .., which made the person less movement and more inclined to sit there appeared the so-called term illnesses lack of movement (heart disease - obesity - high blood pressure - Diabetes - .... etc.).Therefore, we find in the developed countries that post large numbers of people involved in the activities of different sports and age-appropriate, and hold and regularity in the performance to gain fitness, also note that the encouragement to exercise is no longer limited to athletes, but extended to become a concern to those interested in health physicians and nurses in the medical field, and sports and became the subject of fitness obsession for many of interest to them. Hence claimed my brothers working in the field of sports all in a position to shed light on this noble goal of physical activity, which has become a lot of people in dire need to raise awareness about it in light of the widespread disease and resulting in often for lack of movement.

Making exercise does not relieve aches suffered by women during the menstrual cycle

The researchers said exercise does not relieve aches suffered by women during the menstrual cycle, despite the recommendations of many doctors exercise. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), according to a study published in the Journal of P Jay or G (BJOG) British International specializing in gynecology and obstetricsAnd included more than 650 college student that 28% of women suffer from symptoms ranging from mild to severe during the menstrual cycle.But researchers at Britain's University of Birmingham said they did not find a relationship between exercise carried out by women and decrease in the severity of pain because of the habit.Doctors usually advised women workout for the alleviation of menstrual pain, but If يفدن not ask them access to medicines to help.The researchers asked women aged between 18 and 25 years old to answer questions concerning the age, which began when habits and monthly periods Tatihn where the name of grain they use for that and whether they have children or suffer from diseases in the lining of the uterus and the like, and the nature of the sport that exercising and other questions related to their life style.She said 72% of women said they did not feel any pain during the menstrual cycle or only mild pain, while 28% of them said they felt pain between moderate and severe in the meantime.After taking into account factors such as weight and lifestyle and the use of oral contraceptives and ethnicity researchers found no relationship between exercise regardless of their nature or her time and menstrual pain.The researcher Amanda Daly, who participated in the study, said there is a need to conduct more research before recommending exercise women exercise ease Ojalln during menstruation, and noted that the conclusion of this study and other studies also do not support this view.And concluded that it is a general problem and there are many treated themselves for themselves, and there is some useful exercises, but the basic medicine for menstrual pain is the contraceptive pill.

Sports prevent stroke 

The results of medical studies that exercise helps to maintain the health of the brain and protect against stroke.

The results of the studies showed that presented during the annual meeting of the German Society of Neurology, the exercises test the stamina help to keep the person's brain in a healthy condition.

The researchers concluded that the practice of jogging or swimming or cycling for half an hour every day reduces the risk of stroke by a quarter.

According to the results themselves, also diminishes the risk of Alzheimer's disease with regular exercise and blood pressure drops.

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle and Bulk Up With The Right Bodybuilding Diets

Before we go into the details of what bodybuilding diets are composed of, let's first and foremost define what the word diet means.

What's A Diet?

The word diet typically sends shivers through people's spine as it is often associated with starvation and with being food deprived. However, a diet is merely the food choices that one makes on a daily basis. For a bodybuilding diet we need to make sure that we select foods that help us to repair and grow from the workouts that we perform while at the same time fostering either a fat burning or a muscle gaining environment.

What Makes Up A Great Bodybuilding Diet?

A great bodybuilding diet, in my opinion, is a balanced diet consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins, and 20% Good Fats. This sort of diet seems to work best for the purposes of losing body fat while gaining some muscle. Depending on whether you want to mainly gain muscle and bulk up or mainly lose body fat, you will adjust your calories upwards or downwards accordingly.

Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy, and on a bodybuilding diet they should come mainly from complex slow releasing sources such as oatmeal, grits, brown rice, sweat potatoes in combination with fibrous sources such as green beans and broccoli.

Proteins, the building blocks for all tissues in the body, should come from chicken, turkey, tuna, and lean red meats.

Fats, which are used by the body to manufacture hormones, lubricate the joints, brain function and other essential items, should mainly come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated sources. Canned extra virgin olive oil and flax seed oil should be the main sources of these.

Gain Muscle and Lose Fat With This Bodybuilding Guide


New Year's resolutions typically include, amongst many other things, the goals of losing fat and gaining muscle, of course. In my opinion, bodybuilding is the fastest way to achieve these goals, as by definition, bodybuilding is following a lifestyle that uses weight training, cardiovascular exercise and nutrition to re-shape your physique through the increase of lean muscle mass and reduction of fat stores.
Can I Use Bodybuilding Even If I Do Not Want To Get Too Big?

But wait a minute! You never want to step on a bodybuilding stage, nor do you have dreams of getting that big anyways. If that is the case, not a problem! To me, a bodybuilder is anyone that uses weight training, cardiovascular exercise and nutrition to accomplish specific fitness goals.

In this bodybuilding site I share with you the knowledge I've gained through many years of practicing the bodybuilding lifestyle so that you too can achieve any physique goal you may have. How far you take your physique development or whether you ever get to compete or not are entirely up to you.

And if you fear getting too big by accident then believe me, that look will definitely not happen by mere chance. This is especially true for women since they do not produce the amount of testosterone needed to grow their muscles to the size that a man can accommplish. It takes years of strict adherence (almost to an obsessive level) to a bodybuilding lifestyle, in addition to calculated planning of your workouts and nutrition plan, to accomplish such an endeavor.

However, if getting really big and shredded (bodybuilding term for defined) is your goal, then no need to worry as in this site you will find all of the information you will need to accomplish that as well.

Let's Get Started On The Path To A New You Through Bodybuiding!

To help you achieve your bodybuilding endeavors, whether these are to simply gain a few pounds of muscle and lose a lot of bodyfat to look good at the beach, to gain tons of muscle weight or to get ready for a bodybuilding competition, I decided to put together this resource guide that will point you to all of the relevant information that you will need in order to accomplish your goals.

You will find everything here: bodybuilding training routines, diet plans and bodybuilding supplements' advice. Now there is no excuse for not accomplishing your bodybuilding goals in this New Year!

1. Set realistic and measurable goals and attack them with the right mindset. I always say, aim high but be realistic. For instance, if on the next 12 weeks you plan on losing 50 lbs of fat, then that is unrealistic. Instead, settle for a loss of 1.5 to 2 lbs on the average per week and that will equate to 18-24 lbs! Twelve more weeks of dieting and you will accomplish your long-term 50 lb loss. When it comes to muscle gain we really need to be patient. If you have 14-inch arms, do not expect them to be 18 by the end of 12 weeks. Instead settle for ¼ - ½ of an inch. If however, you are an advanced stage, like myself for instance, it took me a year and a half to get my arms from 18 inches to 18.5 inches. Therefore, the more advanced you are, the more patient you need to be.

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